Tuesday, October 11, 2011

lion cat


this was about this mountain lion that went on to the 405 and got killed by on coming traffic. the biologists said it was only looking for a home. each mountain lion needs 100 square mile in each territories to roam . and that the homes are being destroyed. 

i think we should seat a side land for then

Friday, October 7, 2011

Assignment 11

Emilio Madrid
Mr. Raj
College Prep English
October 7, 2011

About Me

This paper is going to be about me being hard working, being good with my hands and having a love for math.
Hard working comes from my grandfather. He taught me how to do things right the first time instead of doing it more than once. He also taught me that patience helps with being hard working. He says,” if you don’t like it, then do it over until you get it right.
Being good with your hands comes from years of experience with lots of tools. It also helps if you have some common sense. My hands, like I always say, they’re an asset; if I didn’t have them I would be truly lost. You’d be surprised what they can do.
Math comes from my dad. He can do problems faster then the calculator. He has a love for math and so do I. When I work with numbers, it sends me into a different world. I always want to learn more about numbers. They fascinate me.
Being hard working and working with my hands comes from my grandfather. My excellent math skills come from my dad. Without my grandfather I probably would be lazy like the rest of these kids. Without my dad I’d probably dislike math. That’s what my dad and grandfather do for me.